Saturday, August 20, 2016

Balloon Safaris in India

Balloon Safari is one of those adventures that gives you enthralling experience, splendid natural landscapes from the sky and what not. This flights now can be seen in many places.  But worth knowing as this is a new concept in India, so one need to search for the best, who provide fair amount of ride at an affordable price.

Here are six most popular destinations for the Balloon Safaris:

Balloon Safaris arevery attractive adventures for foreigners, but having one in India is much more thrilling. Because Indian people love adventure and believe in spending time with something that is exciting. So, folks don’t think twice, take the airy flight.Be ready to experience the best and most amazing ride of your life.

Below mentioned are the list of some of the best destinations in India for Balloon Safaris:



·Delhi NCR and Haryana


·Uttar Pradesh (U.P.)


Simple browse over the web to have more information about balloon safaris before you do your flight adventure.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Get Married in a Hot AirBalloon

To make your wedding vows truly special, try this kinda adventure, and customize the wedding the way want. Yes, now it is possible to get married in a Hot Air Balloon. Sounds interesting? Isn’t it?
The intimate experience of a lifetime takes your wedding ritual to a romantic heights in a hot air balloon.
Complete your wedding vows in a hot air balloon and experience the romantic views of different citiesin India. Hot air ballooning is a relatively new adventure activity in India, but one that's fast growing in popularity. It's a thrilling way to experience India and get a different perspective of the country.

Balloon Wedding Options:
•To accommodate up to 75 additional passengers for your special event.
•To arrange small parties, get together.
•Option to accommodate a large number of passengers if the flight is booked in advance.
•To customize your ceremony
•Other facilities- To Arrange photography, flowers, cakes, videography, banners, and transportation with our trusted wedding specialists.
•We can offer everything special for your wedding: catering, flowers, photographer, video, music and more.

All flights are weather permitting.
One thing that everyone fears is the height of balloon. But one shouldn’t have any fear, Imagine having a calm and peaceful view of India's breathtaking scenery from a quiet place high above the crowds.

Hot air ballooning isn't as scary as you imagine, it’s truly feels like you're as light as a feather as you float though the atmosphere. Balloon Safaris Ride is a fair weather activity. Charges are reasonable, and offers are many.

So, book your Hot Air Balloon Safaris Ride

Hot air ballooning, an activity of flying hot air balloons

Hot air ballooning is the activity of flying hot air balloons, famous primarily for recreation. Balloon rides are available in many locations around the world and are especially popular in tourist areas. In India it has become recently popular, and youngsters are trying this.

Those who are unaware, balloon festivals are a great way to see hot air ballooning close up, and are a pleasant family trip. In addition to this, balloon festivals typically include other activities as well like live entertainment, amusement rides and a few more.Piloting a balloon requires (licensing and buying of tools).

Since the balloon moves with the direction of the winds, so there is no speed limit, the passengers feel absolutely no wind and enjoy the moment and flow. Usually hot air ballooning launches are made during the cooler hours of the day, at dawn or 2 to 3 hours before sunset. The wind flows are typically light making launch and landing of the balloon easier.

Modern hot air ballooning was born in 1960, when Ed Yost launched a balloon with a new nylon envelope and propane burner system of his own invention. Yost's first balloon was basketless, with nothing but a seat for him to ride on, but in a few years he and other balloon enthusiasts would develop balloons much like the ones used today.