Pushkar festival is also known as Pushar ka Mela or Pushkar cattle fair. It is annual five day celebration held in Pushkar, Rajasthan, India. It is regarded as the largest camel fair. However, this place is not only famous for cattle trading rather has become one of the most popular tourist destinations of India. There are several cultural and traditional events are held such as “Matka Phod” “bridal competition” and longest moustache. These events attract people across the nation. Therefore, people need to consider the importance of this festival. In pushkar festival men can trade in livestock, which includes sheep, cows, goats and camels. Apart from that women can indulge in buying textiles, fabrics, bracelets and clothes. Take a closer look to the Rajasthani culture by attending this mela. You would love to witness the colorful culture and breathtaking performance of the artists.
This is truly one of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that people attend. If you want to explore pushkar festival in the most exciting manner, you can book hot air balloon riding online. There are many agencies that provide balloon riding services. However, people need to first choose the reliable agency from where you can expect to get unforgettable hot air balloon riding services. There are many of them and you need to compare them one by one to ensure that you choose the best agency to get your hot air balloon ride booked online.
This is truly one of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that people attend. If you want to explore pushkar festival in the most exciting manner, you can book hot air balloon riding online. There are many agencies that provide balloon riding services. However, people need to first choose the reliable agency from where you can expect to get unforgettable hot air balloon riding services. There are many of them and you need to compare them one by one to ensure that you choose the best agency to get your hot air balloon ride booked online.
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