Pushkar Mela, which is also known as Pushkar festival, Pushkar Camel Fair, Pushkar ka Mela or Pushkar cattle fair, is one of the Asia’s largest camel fair. It is a five day celebration wherein people of different cities come across and explore this magnificent Mela. There are several attractions here in Pushkar that can make your visit to this place a memorable one. There are multiple cultural and traditional events are held such as “bridal competition” “Matka Phod” and longest moustache. Apart from being famous for the largest cattle trading, Pushkar Mela has significance of pilgrimage because the lake is regarded as the sacred and holy lake for the people. People come here to take a holy dip in this lake. In this cattle trading different breeds of cattle are included such as cows, goats, camels and sheep. Moreover, shopaholic people can enjoy shopping textiles, fabrics, bracelets and clothes. Here you can get closer look to the Rajasthani culture. Plus, you would love to embrace breathtaking and majestic performance of the local artists
If you are looking for adrenaline pumping activity, you can book hot air ballooning ride from the reputed agency. It is truly considered as one of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that people should attend. If you wish to explore Pushkar Mela in the most thrilling manner, you should book hot air balloon riding online. Among several agencies online, you need to choose the best one that offer you best services at affordable rates.
Read more: www.skywaltz.com
If you are looking for adrenaline pumping activity, you can book hot air ballooning ride from the reputed agency. It is truly considered as one of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that people should attend. If you wish to explore Pushkar Mela in the most thrilling manner, you should book hot air balloon riding online. Among several agencies online, you need to choose the best one that offer you best services at affordable rates.
Read more: www.skywaltz.com
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